what's in a blog?

For 8 years or so, friends have been convincing me of creating a blog but being the "non-techy" (did I spell it correctly?) person that I was, I maintained my preference for thoughts kept in old cutesy journals, which I have spent precious hours scouring various piles of supplies before finding.  However, recent spring cleaning have led me to conclude that (1) writing in journals and notebooks are practical when it's a staple in your schoolbag but slightly impractical when that staple is replaced by a laptop in your office bag; (2) it is extremely hard to keep track of all notes made in various journals when you have as poor a memory as I have (not that it's not a pleasant surprise finding a journal that I have half-forgotten about); and most importantly (3) personal "shorthand" (i.e. "chicken-scrawl" type of penmanship) employed in recording fast-flowing thoughts when pen-in-hand cannot move as fast as thoughts running in my head, is so much harder to read after shelving the "raw" transcript for a couple of years before recording it properly.  These conclusions led us to this point, me typing away on my laptop, creating my first ever blog.

Having finally created this account, my initial dilemma was what to write about (well, second dilemma actually, since my first is trying to figure out how to make this blog look as I would have wanted it to - something that is still a work in progress so please bear with me and all the changes that might occur as time goes by, but going back to the topic at hand...).  With my wide range of interests, topics could hardly be considered scarce.  However, as my "introductory" post, I would prefer to discuss the reason behind the term "little wonders".  For those who watched Meet the Robinsons or listened to  the song of Rob Thomas with the same title, no explanation is necessary.  For those who cannot relate, read on.

To quote the song:

"Our lives are made in these small hours,
these little wonders,
these twists and turns of fate.
Time falls away but these small hours,
these small hours still remain."

Need I say more?  Just in case I do, let me expound on my interpretation...

"Little Wonders" refer to experiences that make up your life.  It may be something special or a once in a lifetime treat - like an extensive vacation to celebrate a wonderful occasion, a reunion with a long-lost friend, or the party of a lifetime.  Or it may be some mundane everyday thing shared with someone special - like a cup of coffee with a friend, a lazy Sunday afternoon watching anime with papa bear, or a well-deserved rest day spent curled up with a good book.  It may even be something that you once thought was disastrous but appears as something silly once viewed through the lens called time - like crying your heart out to a friend due to unrequited love, falling down the stairs with a whole crowd of people below, or cramming for an exam or major submission.  Or it may even be something painful like losing someone, to realize later on that time dulls the pain and brings to the forefront all the good memories (I read somewhere before that a painful memory is never as painful as when you first experienced it but a happy memory will always be as happy).

In a nutshell, "little wonders" are experiences that your subconscious would store regardless of how long ago it took place - something that you will always treasure and look back with a smile or sometimes, even with a laugh.

This, then, is the "heart" of this blog - experiences that life sends my way (ergo ozzie's little wonders) to be chronicled before I go too senile to remember on my own.



  1. Yey, finally! Congratulations on this first post! Will be following this blog. I'm so excited on the things you'll write about! :)
    P.S. If you need help on the techie part, I can help you with what I know. Just shoot me a line. :)

    1. thanks jen! i'm quite happy with the layout for now (after 2 hours exploring the site). will probably ask for help sometime soon in other computer/internet-related issues. (^_^)
